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It's almost time to start the 2012 fair tour of the country!

Sarah Bocket

In two weeks my good friend the talented Misha Ashton-Moore of Misha Ashton Photography and myself are going to begin this years tour around the country hopping from craft fair to art fair and from coast to coast.

First stop is Seale Alabama the last weekend of March for the Doonanny, a art/folk/music event, which is run by Misha's uncle. We are super excited to be starting here. We're taking a road trip through the southern part of this country. Exploring caves and open landscapes, deserts and forest. I love road trips so much. I did a lot last year by myself, so this year will be awesome to share it with someone loving it as much as me!

And both of us will be revamping our booth designs and even beginning to join creative forces. What do you think of the dots on photos...? Yeah we think it's pretty amazing!

We are just beside ourselves in excitement for the next year full of dots and photos traveling all over this country together. And in a trailer!! Misha's picking her up and taking her home from Alabama. Make sure to keep an eye out for where we'll be next. We're gonna be photographing and filming everywhere we go!
