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The Bocket bowls soon to be sold at Tilde in Portland!

Sarah Bocket

I am so incredibly happy to announce that the dots are going to be sold in their very first retail store! Yay! They will be at this super cute mid-century styled shop/art gallery in southeast Portland called Tilde. When I was in Portland the other week I stopped in to see the place and meet the owners, who are lovely ladies. They have tons of cute stuff including jewelry, paper gifts, pretty things for you home and even furniture (that I really want). They have wooden bowls all over used as displays and they said they even have a whole extra box of them in the back. I was quite envious of all the unpainted bowls....

Well I'm glad they found me and love my bowls because I think they fit perfectly! They are getting their fresh shipment of dots this week. Check them out here: Tilde Shop or stop into the store if you're in Portland.